The Ethics Program of HMV Engineers seeks to prevent, detect and respond to the flaws in transparency of our Code of Ethics to minimize the risks of corruption and promote a culture of compliance, ethics and integrity.
If you are an employee, contractor or a citizen of the community and know or suspect about a situation that violates our Code of Ethics, you can report to the channels of complaints so that the situation is analyzed by our Ethics Committee.
The Ethics Committee is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the received complaints, including the protection of the identity of the responsible person, in case the denouncing requests for anonymity.
The complaint must be made in a responsible manner and understood as a contribution in accordance with current legislation and to maintain a high ethical standard in the Company.
Who uses it for this purpose will, in no case, be exposed to retaliations, or negative consequences. Under no circumstances should the Ethics Line be used for other purposes.
All complaints received through these channels are analyzed according to the Ethics Management Procedure, and in accordance with the principles and values of our Code of Ethics, guaranteeing that the complaint will be analyzed objectively by an independent team. Always on HMV:
Your identity will be confidential.
Retaliation will not be allowed.
You will get a response on the management of your complaint.
It is very important that you use these channels with integrity and respect, therefore we invite you to take into account the following recommendations when making a complaint:
In order for the situation to be reported objectively and efficiently by the team, it must list the facts describing what happened, how, when, where, who and attaching the supports in case of having them.
You should not use these channels to report complaints or suggestions to processes, for this purpose HMV Engineers has a complaint and suggestions tool in its Integrated Management System.
You must refrain from denouncing rumors, gossip and other behaviors that cannot be proved by facts and data.
Your complaints will be received by a Committee, and treated under strict parameters of confidentiality and zero tolerances against retaliation.